Things to Note When Choosing a Hiking Boot

Brian Gibbs currently serves as the president and CEO of Heritage Retirement Advisors, Inc., San Diego. When not working, Brian Gibbs likes to go hiking.

The quality and type of boot you choose when going on a hike might determine how tedious or hassle-free the process will be. Therefore, several factors to consider when selecting the appropriate shoe for your hike.

When choosing a hiking boot, the first thing to consider is the type of boot you want. There are different hiking boots ranging from light hiking shoes, backpacking boots, and mountaineering boots. For instance, if you are a hiker who frequents rugged terrains with a heavy load, you should consider wearing mountaineering boots.

Further, you should also consider the fabric or material of the boot. This is important because substandard materials might hurt your feet while taking a hike. Hiking boots are made from full-grain leather, split-grain leather, and synthetic materials like polyester and nylon. If you hike on rugged terrains, you should not buy shoes made of synthetics because they tend to break easily and are hardly resistant to water.

The cut the hiking boot comes with is also vital when selecting your boot. The shoes are classified into low, mid, and high cut. Lowcut are preferable for light hikes, while mid and high cuts, on the other hand, are for heavy hikes and more challenging terrains.

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